Movie Recommender
Jifu Zhao, 15 August 2017
Hadoop Implementation of Movie Recommender Systems
Data source: Netflix Prize Data Set
Original Input:
- MapReduce Job 1:
- Mapper: read raw input information
- input: userID, movieID, rating
- output: < key=userID, value=movieID: rating >
- Reducer: merge the output from Mapper according to unique userID
- input: < key=userID, value=< movie1: rating1, movie2: rating2, … > >
- output: < key=userID, value=”movie1: rating1, movie2: rating2, …” >
- Mapper: read raw input information
- MapReduce Job 2:
- Mapper: read output from MapReduce job 1
- input: userID \t “movie1: rating1, movie2: rating2, …”
- output: < key=”movie_A: movie_B”, value=1 >
- Reducer: merge the output from Mapper according unique movieA: movieB
- input: < key=”movie_A: movie_B”, value=1, 1, 1, … >
- output: < key=”movie_A: movie_B”, value=count >
- Mapper: read output from MapReduce job 1
- MapReduce Job 3:
- Mapper: read output from MapReduce job 2 and split
- input: movie_A: movie_B \t count
- output: < key=movie_A, value=”movie_B=count” >
- Reducer: calculate the normalized co-occurrence matrix value
- input: < key=movie_A, value=< movie_B=count, movie_C=count, … > >
- output: < key=movie_B, value=”movieA=count/total” >
- Mapper: read output from MapReduce job 2 and split
- MapReduce Job 4:
- Mapper: read the original user rating information
- input: userID, movieID, rating
- output: < key=userID, value=rating >
- Reducer: merge the output from Mapper according to unique userID
- input: < key=userID, value=< rating1, rating2, … > >
- output: < key=userID, value=< average rating > >
- Mapper: read the original user rating information
- MapReduce Job 5:
- Mapper 1: read co-occurrence matrix from MapReduce Job 3
- input: movie_B \t movie_A=ratio
- output: < key=movie_B, value=”movie_A=ratio” >
- Mapper 2: read the original user rating information to build the rating matrix
- input: userID, movieID, rating
- output: < key=movie_B, value=”userID: rating” >
- Reducer:
- input: < key=movie_B, value=”movie_A=ratio1, movie_C=ratio2, …, user1: rating1, user2: rating2, …” >
- output: < key=”userID: movieID”, value=ratio * rating >
- setup: read the user average rating
- Mapper 1: read co-occurrence matrix from MapReduce Job 3
- MapReduce Job 6:
- Mapper: read the output from MapReduce Job 5
- input: userID: movieID \t ratio * rating
- output: < key=”userID: movieID”, value=ratio * rating >
- Reducer:
- input: < key=”userID: movieID”, value=< subrating1, subrating2, … > >
- output:< key=”userID: movieID”, value=rating prediction >
- Mapper: read the output from MapReduce Job 5
CooccurrenceMatrix (un-normalized)
User Rating Matrix
Run code
$: cd RecommenderSystem/
$: hdfs dfs -mkdir /input
$: hdfs dfs -put input/* /input
$: cd src/main/java/
$: hadoop -d class/ *.java
$: cd class/
$: jar cf recommender.jar *.class
$: hadoop jar recommender.jar Driver /input /dataDividedByUser /coOccurrenceMatrix /Normalize /averageRating /Multiplication /Sum
$: hdfs dfs -cat /Sum/*